
Udyog Aadhar

Udyog Aadhar or Aadhar for business is a 12-digit Unique Identification Number provided by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and Government of India to small and medium enterprises on registration of their business. It was primarily introduced in the year 2015 to ease the process of registration for these enterprises as prior to the Udyog Aadhar, the registration process was tedious and paper-heavy and required separate registration for both small industry and MSME. The registration process involved submitting almost 11 different forms along with the necessary attested certificates under the system of EM-I/II (Entrepreneur Memorandum).

Along with that, Udyog Aadhar also promotes the growth of small and medium enterprises by providing benefits such as bank loans at a lower rate, concession and rebates on tariffs, eligibility of government subsidies and setting up of business at lower costs etc.

Why Choose Us

Expert Team & World Class Services

We have expert team to assist you. We make you free from Identifying NOC requirements, filling applications, submitting to departments, regular follow –ups with department on applications. We provide a custom experience as per your needs and do all activities on your behalf, making you comfortable enough so that you can concentrate yourself on achieving your business goals.

Learn More

Expert Team

We have an expert team to assist you in completing and submitting your application in right direction.


Document Safety

We are highly concern about privacy & safety of your documents which you submit with us while submitting NOC form to departments.


Regular Follow Ups

We do regular follow-ups with respective department on your application. You just sit & relax.

Journey of your NoC


Start with Just a Call

Reach us at any time to initiate your Application Process immediately.
 +91 1171-36-6677
  Click to chat

Just Click and Send

Just capture the image of required documents and send to us through your mobile phone or our NOC Mitra App. Our experts will review, verify and then submit your form.


YaY! your Application questionnaire is ready

Hurray! your Dashboard is created on Govt.Portal by NOC Mitra. Your Application questionnaire is ready. Simply provide us the details.

Time to Relax

Just have some Patience, your dedicated case Manager is processing your file with given details to the concerned department.


Yay! Few days to go

Just relax comfortably and Count the days for your NOC clearance.

NoC Issued

We will update you as soon as your NoC will be cleared by the government.


Other NoCs